Electric Ease

What is Electrical Estimating Software

What is Electrical Estimating Software

Electrical estimating software offerings vary tremendously when it comes to functionality, price, and usability. For some, this can make it confusing to determine what electrical estimating software even is. Ask three electricians, and you’ll likely get three different answers.

Here are a few definitions we’ve heard recently as people attempt to define electrical estimating software …

“It’s software that gives me book pricing for projects.”

Electrical estimating software should help you accurately price out a job – but it should do so based on each project’s specific situation instead of giving you a flat fee to charge for specific tasks (installing a ceiling fan, for example).

“It’s software that helps me keep track of large projects.”

While electrical estimating software should definitely be able to do this, it should be helpful and valuable for every project – whether it’s a $200 service call or a multi-million-dollar healthcare building.

“It’s software that helps me create accurate estimates I can use to create takeoffs.”

Yes, electrical estimating software should certainly do this! But it can (and should) do much, much more. Estimating and takeoff are only small pieces of an electrical project.

Let’s clear it up once and for all: Electrical estimating software is something that literally any electrical contractor can use and benefit from right away (if they choose the right one, of course).

Although every option differs, electrical estimating software should be designed exclusively to help electrical contractors bid, manage, maintain product for, and close out a project—all while tracking project-by-project profitability.

What it takes to do these things varies from contractor to contractor. That’s why we designed Electric Ease to cover every aspect of a project—and to do it well. It features several built-in functions that other software leaves out completely (or requires an additional purchase).

Here are a few examples of what a comprehensive electrical estimating software can do for you:

  • Improve the speed and accuracy of your estimate with pre-loaded assemblies so you don’t have to create them from scratch every time (collections of specific parts and labor needed to install a branch circuit or an HVAC connection, for example)

  • Customize your estimates based on what the work involves: service, small projects, large projects, or change orders

  • Automatically build material lists for each job as it’s estimated

  • Complete an entire bid from the same software, from entering job information and building a scope letter to estimating, material price updates, and takeoff, all work should be able to be completed from the same system

  • Track project production, pace, and profit in real time based on labor, overhead, and material costs

  • Create accurate, clean, and professional-looking contracts and proposal letters that are customized for each job, from which services will be provided to the terms and conditions

  • Generate job description reports with detailed material lists built from your estimate to keep everyone – including customers – on the same page

The best part: Once you have this kind of software in place, it shouldn’t be a burden or an expense to you (or hard to use). In fact, it should end up making you money by boosting efficiency, preventing over/underbuying, reducing supply-house runs, and more.

Want to learn how electrical estimating software can help you save time and money? Walk through a short, virtual demo so you can see first-hand how it streamlines every step of a project. Take the self-paced demo now!

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